Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday Questionnaire: April 22, 2013!

Good evening everyone! It's been a while since I've been here. Weekly blogging isn't my strong suit bit I'll try to post something at least once a week. This week was all about organizing at my house. My whole closet is nice and organized. I even ordered some drawer carts for my makeup and I'm so happy with the way it turned out. I can actually see all of my makeup! Enough of that; let's answer some questions!

My makeup organization! So happy about it!

1. What’s the first thought that crossed your mind this morning?
"Ugh, I can't breathe!"
I woke up with a stuffy nose :/

2. Have you been reading anything lately?
Unfortunately no. I do need to re-read The Great Gatsby before it hits theaters though!

3. When was the last time you wore false lashes?
I've never worn false lashes believe it or not! I want to someday!

4. What are your three secrets to happiness?
- Surround yourself with the people you love most.
- Travel often.
- Buy a new lipstick.

5. Do you prefer eye shadow palettes or single pans?
Definitely palettes. I don't want to be searching for specific colors when I could have everything in one palette.

6. What’s one of your imperfections that you cherish?
None unfortunately :/

7. Has a skincare product ever changed your life?
Sunscreen and Clinique's Rinse Off Foaming Cleanser. I can't live without these two products!

8. Do you like your hair better long or short?
Hmm, I'd go with short. Long hair is too high maintenance for me.

9. Is there something you’re currently lemming?
My own car

10. Write yourself a Post-It note:
You can do it!

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